[78-L] To whom it may concern - was: Re: You never answered Chris Zwarg's question

Julian Vein julianvein at blueyonder.co.uk
Sat Jan 24 01:32:54 PST 2009

Chris Zwarg wrote:
> At 02:28 24.01.2009, you wrote:
>>> Thank you for the death threat, spoken like a true American!
>> I'll be charitable and say "spoken like a non-native speaker of English, if you think that was a death threat".
>> But of course you don't think it was a death threat, you're just making a rhetorical point. By lying about it.
>> -- 
>> Steve
> Nice attempt to weasel yourself out again and put the blame on me, Steve - Artful Dodger would be very proud of his disciple!
> What should I in your apparently not so humble opinion read into:
> "Fortunately, mindsets like yours are fading from the world. Most people are looking forward to that future."
> What is that if not a more poetic version of "The world will be a happier place when you are no longer alive." ?
> Let me make one thing clear: I am a free man and I have no obligation whatever to take my stance on race, politics, tomorrow's weather or anything from you or anybody else. In particular, I have no reason to feel respect or sympathy for the new President of your Republic, any more than for any of his predecessors, nor do I have reason to feign such sentiments to please you.
> A certain US President sent troops to my country 64 years ago to free my people and my family from one of the most gruesome dictators the world has known, ONLY TO THEN SELL ONE THIRD OF THEM TO THE NEXT BAD GUY WAITING IN LINE, and forget them for another 44 years, to busy reeducating the other two thirds and brainwashing them out of their own history to a degree that schoolchildren today routinely define anything pre-1930 as "Nazi". Oh yes, my parents were ever so grateful to your country when the Wall you had done nothing to prevent in 1961 was torn down in 1989, so that we could at last visit the *graves* of their aunts and uncles who were never allowed to meet us again while alive, after one of the family had "illegaly" found her way into the Golden West on her own...
> And you have not improved one iota since then, as I see the same thing happening over again in Iraq: You removed Saddam? Well done, and now? The land is rapidly sliding into the same Medieval Islamist mire like Iran in 1977, when there was none of the "brave and free" at hand to defend the rightful government from the Ayatollah's mod.
> And now you dare ask me to bow my head in shame and to apologize for deeply mistrusting the new guy in your town, just like I have mistrusted his bumbling intellectually- and or alcoholically-challenged predecessors? The desire to see others kneel before you and mumble "Yes, Massa! You're right, Massa! You're a good American Massa!" seems deeply ingrained in your soul, and now that you don't get that anymore from those who now *rule* your country rather than *let themselves be ruled*, you're trying it elsewhere. And I hope you will do that in future, that is, with someone else than me. 
> Thank you for your kind attention.
> Chris Zwarg 
> _______________________________________________
There a saying (by Eugene V. Debs?) that goes: "If you know what you 
want and you know how to get it then you don't need leaders." This would 
mean that voters in any country either don't know what they want, or 
they do but don't know how to get it.

      Julian Vein

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