[78-L] 1933 showbiz trivia

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Thu Jan 22 12:27:15 PST 2009

Fun stuff! And Leah Bay should be Leah Ray.


Stephen Davies wrote:
>         In my Internet prowl for details on Jack Denny, I found this 
> paragraph in the Ubyssey (pronounced UBC) from the students' association 
> at the University of British Columbia, Vol XVI, No 18, 1933-nov-28, p. 3.
>         ( 
> http://www.library.ubc.ca/archives/pdfs/ubyssey/UBYSSEY_1933_11_28.pdf )
> <<<
>         Billy Jones was once a telephone linesman and Ernie Hare a baking 
> powder salesman.  Stoopnagle and Budd are now in N.Y. vodvil.  Jeanie Lang 
> has left Jack Denny.  Fred Waring has most highly insured band in country. 
>  Fred Allen's real name is John Florence Sullivan.  George Burns' is Nat 
> Birnbaum.  George Olsen is now in Hotel Pennsylvania and will be reunited 
> on air soon with Ethel Shutta.  Leah Bay averaged 94 in her school work 
> and edited the high school paper in Norfolk, Va. less than two years ago. 
> Abe Lyman was christened Abraham Simon and his ambition is to be locked up 
> in a room with Hitler.
>         Obviously a reprint of a newswire or subscription service for 
> filler.  Having listened to a very combative Abe Lyman on the Jack Benny 
> show, I like the idea of him cornering Hitler.
> - Stephen D
> Calgary

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