[78-L] Obama quotes Dorothy Fields (not OT, the song was on 78)

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Tue Jan 20 12:53:55 PST 2009

Dnjchi at aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 1/20/2009 3:38:54 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
> dwsanderson685 at roadrunner.com writes:
> It would  have been more special if they'd found someone who can actually
> read a poem  - most poets can't read even their own work effectively.
> Her  one-word-at-a-time delivery was just excruciating, and succeeded in
> turning  whatever the poem was into prose.  Just awful - you have to hope
> that  she doesn't realize how embarassing it was.
> Having had to address large crowds (not THAT large!) on a PA system, I know  
> that one must enunciate and not speak too rapidly.  Although she sounded  
> tedious, she might have been following instructions. I prefer to give her the  
> benefit of the doubt.
> Don Chichester

I gave her one minute..delivery aside, that weren't no pome.


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