[78-L] Bell Telephone Stereo

joe@salerno.com jsalerno at earthlink.net
Sun Dec 7 16:21:08 PST 2008

There is a second volume, I have both. There are also a few other clips 
floating around that were not on either LP.

I have asked before and never got an answer, so I assume that would be a 
"no", but is there a list of all the known surviving takes?

joe salerno

Tom Hood wrote:
> HI All
> I have just been loaned a copy of Bell Telephone LP BLT 7901.A fascinating 
> collection of Bell recordings in "Hi-Fi" from the 1930's in mono & stereo. I 
> have been told this LP is one of two that were issued in the 1970s of the 
> 1930 Bell experiments.Can anyone confirm there is a 2nd Volume?
> Thank You
> Tom Hood 
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