[78-L] Actors on record

Bertrand CHAUMELLE chaumelle at orange.fr
Sun Dec 7 15:52:23 PST 2008

I have that Michael Pitts book but it's strictly LP & 45's.
Of course some 78s were reissued on those.

And in more recent times, I found "Celebrity Vocals" by Ron Lofman.

Le 7 déc. 08, à 23:55, David Lennick a écrit :

> There WAS one published years ago that I used to see in the Toronto 
> Reference
> Library..it was where I found out that the common version of "Uncle 
> Tom's
> Cabin" often attributed to Robert Benchley was by Ernest Truex. Other 
> than
> that, it's Rust's Complete Entertainment Discography for anything up 
> to July 31/42.
> This might be it, but I have yet to find a link giving a description or
> offering it at a price I'd be willing to pay:
> http://openlibrary.org/b/OL4548806M
> dl
> Taylor Bowie wrote:
>> Like the Warren Zevon song..."my brain is like a sieve."  I coulda 
>> swored
>> that one side was Service.  Oh well...
>> Does anyone have some sort of check list or discography of movie 
>> actors who
>> made records in the 30s and 40s?  I don't mean big timers like Alice 
>> Faye,
>> Dorothy Lamour,   Bob Hope, Jane Russell, etc....but the lesser lights
>> usually on smaller labels.
>> I have 40s 78s by Hope Emerson,  Gloria Stuart,  Frank Orth,  etc.  
>> One of
>> my faves is the Jack Carson Capitol of   "That Was a Big Fat Lie."
>> Taylor B
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