[78-L] ^ Story of the LP

Chris Zwarg doctordisc at truesoundtransfers.de
Mon Dec 1 08:43:26 PST 2008

At 17:39 01.12.2008, you wrote:
>er... wouldn't that be the 90th anniversary?

Not quite - before Sep.1st 1939, there was no reason to call it "FIRST" World War; usually English-speaking people referred to the 1914-18 war simply as "The Great War".

Chris Zwarg

>David Lennick wrote:
>> And by yet that same token (which is getting to be pretty popular), September 
>> 2009 will be the 70th anniversary of World War I.
>> dl
>> Dnjchi at aol.com wrote:
>>> In a message dated 12/1/2008 10:15:54 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
>>> burnhamd at rogers.com writes:
>>> By the  same token, from what I recall of the few years I spent on this 
>>> planet before  1948 and from any record related items from that period that I've 
>>> read,  no record was referred to as a "78" before 1948.  So, as I've alluded to  
>>> in previous postings, this is also the 60th anniversary of the  "78".
>>> And, by rough calculation, about the 106th anniversary of the "80".
>>> dc
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