[78-L] Metric minutes

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Sun Nov 2 14:54:28 PST 2008

My venerable stopwatch gave out after over 27 years' service (plus who knows 
how much more before I liberated it from a certain over-funded public radio 
service)..the stem broke, and the watchmaker wanted $125 to repair it. So I 
went onto eBay and found over 300 stopwatches of all types, digital and "real", 
including one old timer that had a "Buy It Now" bid of $15 and the assurance 
that it "works great". It does indeed work great, but I've never seen one like 
this..each minute is divided into 10 groups of 10 instead of 12 groups of 5. 
What on earth would be the purpose of a watch like this? (And who can I unload 
it on?)


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