[78-L] Goodman/Shaw, was Re: no-no

fnarf at comcast.net fnarf at comcast.net
Wed Oct 22 20:54:39 PDT 2008

From: Doug Pomeroy <pomeroyaudio at att.net>
> I believe anyone who ever played the clarinet will agree Shaw's
> "Concerto" is a pastiche of trivial, flashy, and easy to play figures
> designed for audiences impressed by superficial display.

Isn't this true of ALL jazz (and pop) figures trying to "class up" their music with "classical" names formats, like "Concerto", "Suite", or (god forbid) "Oratorio"? 

I'm as big a fan of Ellington as anyone, but when he started trying to write long-form "respectable" pieces instead of the bangin' short tunes he excelled at, he lost me.

Works the other way, too; I'm not too crazy about Jean-Pierre Rampal's stiff "jazz" efforts.


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