[78-L] film request for a silent 78 side

Kristjan Saag saag at telia.com
Sun Oct 12 17:59:05 PDT 2008

David Lennick wrote:

> Even so, it's great (and unheard of) to find someone actually trying to 
> get the
> right materials for a scene involving phonograph records, which are
> misrepresented 99.99 percent of the time.
A few days ago I had the pleasure to watch a performance of Ibsen's "Wild 
Duck" where a well working toy gramophone was used in the second act. The 
music played on it was typical for the turn of the century and, as far as I 
could see, 7'' discs were used.
It's just that "Wild Duck" was published in 1884 - in the original script 
Hjalmar Ekdal plays the flute to cheer himself up.

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