[78-L] film request for a silent 78 side

Mike Richter mrichter at cpl.net
Sun Oct 12 13:40:53 PDT 2008

John Wright wrote:
> Joe wrote,
>  >> I don't get it - just use any record
> Hmmm, Joe, nobody, seems to have understood what the film producer wants 
> to do....
> The way I understand it, as she says there's a problem for the sound 
> dept., she wants to film a needle being placed on a rotating 78, then 
> the camera pans back to film the actors/dialogue, all in one take.
> So, they don't want music bellowing out from the gramophone while the 
> actors speak (they will dub some quiet music in later).
> Now do you see why they want a 'silent' 78 ?
> So, can anyone help the producer?

It may be too simplistic, but just plug the horn. There will be slight 
sound from the needle, but without 'amplification' in the horn, it will 
probably be acceptable.

mrichter at cpl.net

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