[78-L] A silent Goons record?

Mike Richter mrichter at cpl.net
Sat Oct 4 21:40:03 PDT 2008

joe at salerno.com wrote:
> I don't know about that but looking around I found some recordings of 
> Hary Secombe on nme.com
> He actually could belt out a few notes. Amazing...I had no idea there 
> was anything around of the serious side of the Goon show personnel.

Ron was kind enough to let me back in after some years off-list. My 
primary interest is in classical vocal music. I maintain two WWW sites; 
the primary one (below) has a section on CD recording and a section 
nominally on opera.

A few weeks ago, I offered a page of Secombe in opera. The response was 
surprisingly favorable, though the voice was more suited to the current 
fashion than to the repertoire of his day. Although from what was heard 
the show, Joe's description is fitting, Secombe had the basic training 
for limited opera success. However, there was little chance he could 
have approached the success he had in popular song and in radio comedy.

mrichter at cpl.net

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